

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 filed a lawsuit against the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. The suit seeks an injunction prohibiting the Commissioners from certifying and placing the proposed Transfer Tax Referendum question on the March 19, 2024, 初选选票.

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台, along with a broad cross-section of associations and companies representing contractors, 开发人员, 投资者, 商业办公, 多家庭和零售行业, 其他原告, contend that the three-part question being posed to voters violates the Illinois Municipal Code and Illinois Constitution:

  • a real estate transfer tax decrease of 20% to establish a new transfer tax rate of $3 for every $500 of transfer price, 或者它的一部分, 对于转让价格低于1美元的那部分,000,000 to be paid by the buyer of the real estate transferred unless the buyer is exempt from the tax solely by the operation of state law, 在这种情况下,税款由卖方支付; AND
  • 房地产转让税增加了166.67% to establish a new transfer tax rate of $10 for every $500 of transfer price, 或者它的一部分, 这部分的转让价格在1美元,000,000元及1元,500,000 (inclusive) to be paid by the buyer of the real estate transferred unless the buyer is exempt from the tax solely by the operation of state law, 在这种情况下,税款由卖方支付; AND
  • a real estate transfer tax increase of 300% to establish a new transfer tax rate of $15 for every $500 of transfer price, 或者它的一部分, 转让价格超过1美元的部分,500,000 to be paid by the buyer of the real estate transferred unless the buyer is exempt from the tax solely by the operation of state law, 在这种情况下,税款由卖方支付?

The binding referendum would force voters to approve or reject three separate policies in one question, 包括减税, 操纵选民批准两项单独的增税.

伊利诺伊州宪法保障“自由和平等的选举”,” and the coalition contends that it is unconstitutional to include more than one question in the referendum because it prohibits residents from voting on the three individual policy points.

进一步, the coalition contends that it is unlawful for the tax decrease to be included in the referendum at all. Illinois Statute Section 8-13-19 requires a referendum for the City Council to only impose a new transfer tax or increase an existing transfer tax. This law was created specifically to prevent the practice of legislative logrolling, or “bundling unpopular legislation with more palatable bills so that the well-received bills will carry the unpopular to passage.”

另外, Illinois Supreme Court precedent established that referendum questions must be self-executing (a question must “stand on its own”). A binding referendum that “leaves gaps to be filled by the legislature or municipal body” makes it uncertain as to what voters are to approve. 根据公投结果, 增税带来的收入将用于解决无家可归问题. 到今天为止, 然而, the City has not published a 细节ed plan that addresses public questions about the fund, instead promising a new advisory board to make recommendations and establish goals for the fund after its approval.

“Homelessness is a critical issue in our city that should be addressed with a serious plan involving all stakeholders. These important public policy questions should be presented to voters with fairness, 细节, 和透明度. 相反,这次公投是在玩政治游戏.”

-执行主任Farzin Parang


如果通过, 拟议增税的连锁反应, which would triple transfer taxes on properties valued between $1 million and $1.对价值超过1美元的房产征收4倍的转让税.500万美元,对城市里的每个社区都是有害的. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台已经拥有全国最高的商业财产税, 如果这些增长生效, Chicago will also have one of the highest transfer taxes among cities it competes with for investment (14 states do not even impose transfer taxes). 在商业房地产市场陷入巨大动荡之际, 整个城市的房主和社区都将受到重创.
  • Property taxes for residential property are heavily subsidized by downtown office buildings, 哪些处于危机之中,估计已经损失了40-80%的价值. 四倍的转让税加剧了危机, homeowners and renters throughout the city will see higher increases in their personal property taxes
  • The impact on Chicago’s ability to attract investment will impede union job creation and the growth of our tax base or schools, 公共安全, 和更多的
  • 它将更难吸引和留住杂货商, 卫生保健设施, 还有我们社区的小企业
  • The tax increase will impede the development and maintenance of affordable and market-rate rental apartments
  • Renters will see rents rise as the costs to purchase units increase and the obstacles to developing new housing impact supply



  1. Crain's Chicago Business: Chicago's real estate transfer tax referendum at issue in BOMA lawsuit
  2. The Daily Line: Lawsuit filed with Circuit Court in effort to stop Bring Chicago Home referendum
  3. 真正的交易:十大网赌靠谱网址平台转让税投票提案遭到诉讼
  4. 因曼:十大网赌靠谱网址平台房东,商业团体起诉阻止转让税上调
  5. The Southland Journal: Coalition of Chicago Businesses Files Lawsuit Opposing Transfer Tax Referendum
  6. WBEZ十大网赌靠谱网址平台:十大网赌靠谱网址平台对高端房地产销售的投票面临诉讼
  7. Chicago Sun-Times: Business and real estate groups seek to block “Bring Chicago Home” referendum
  8. WGN电视台:各团体开始为“把十大网赌靠谱网址平台带回家”公投拉票
  9. 共同之星:十大网赌靠谱网址平台业主起诉阻止对增加转让税的投票
  10. Chicago Tribune: Chicago business groups sue to halt ballot question on real estate taxes 
  11. 哥伦比亚广播公司十大网赌靠谱网址平台报道:志愿者们正在为“把十大网赌靠谱网址平台带回家”的投票进行投票
  12. BISNOW: 十大网赌靠谱网址平台,商业联盟提起诉讼,停止转让税投票
  13. BNN十大网赌靠谱网址:十大网赌靠谱网址平台房地产市场管理局反对房地产转让税提案
  14. Yahoo: Business groups sue to halt ballot question on raising real estate taxes to pay for homeless service
  15. Chicago Tribune: Chicago real estate coalition aims to kill homelessness alleviation referendum | Courthouse 十大网赌靠谱网址 Service
  16. Chicago Agent Magazine: Local business groups unite against city’s upcoming transfer tax referendum
  17. 连接CRE: 商业团体起诉转让税提案
  18. ABC7十大网赌靠谱网址平台: 伊利诺伊州2024年初选:建筑业, 房地产集团试图让“把十大网赌靠谱网址平台带回家”公投取消3月的投票
  19.  Law360房地产管理局: 贸易团体将十大网赌靠谱网址平台房地产税之争告上法庭
  20. The Center Square: Coalition says hike in Chicago transfer tax could drive property owners elsewhere | Illinois
  21. REJournals: Coalition of Chicago businesses files lawsuit opposing transfer tax referendum
  22. 真正的交易:为什么BOMA起诉阻止十大网赌靠谱网址平台转让税投票
  23. Block Club Chicago: Bring Chicago Home Advocates Say 'Frivolous' Lawsuit Won’t Block Ballot Question
  24. Chicago Reader: Bring Chicago Home, crash-and-grabs, police oversight applications
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